Master Level* (MA)

The Orange Institute offers both bachelor’s and HBO-master level programs. The HBO-master level program comprises two options: Islamic Spiritual Care and Fundamental Perspectives Within Religious Studies.

The Islamic Spiritual Care program aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge, attitude, and skills to work as professional practitioners in Islamic spiritual care. Graduates must be able to work independently, with a critical mindset, and possess the necessary qualifications.

On the other hand, “the Primary  Perspectives Within Religious Studies” program aims to provide students with the ability to critically analyze Islamic theological perspectives through traditional and modern religious approaches. Graduates of this program will be able to work in religious education within mosques and Islamic institutions. They will act as a bridge between the values and traditions of the Muslim community and contemporary Dutch society, as well as between different generations within the Islamic community.

Admission requirements: 

1- Hbo-bachelor degree program of the Oranje Institute

2- Hbo-bachelor degree in Islamic Theology elsewhere

3- Equivalent Islamic Theology degree from abroad


* The Institute currently offers Bachelor and Master programs in theology through HBO, but they are not yet accredited. After completing a graduate training cycle, The Institute plans to seek accreditation for the HBO-Bachelor program through the Netherlands-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO). In addition, the Orange Institute intends to retroactively seek accreditation for its programs so that the government will recognize the degrees of those who completed their studies before accreditation.