“Theology education in safe hands”

Oranje Institute
The Oranje Institute is committed to producing self-sufficient, productive, and transparent professionals capable of functioning independently or as part of a team to benefit the Islamic community.
Our innovative study program covers a range of disciplines, including technology and art, in addition to religious and theological studies, contributing to advancing knowledge through research and publications.
Our program’s ultimate goal is to create a learning environment that nurtures the growth of competent, critical, and self-reliant professionals. This is achieved through academic seminars and socio-cultural activities that promote personal development and intellectual growth.
The Oranje Institute aims to educate students with knowledge of and respect for other worldviews, can care and contribute to their community and can transcend these values, norms and beliefs of their community for the benefit of society.
What is important here is that the graduate can perform his function based on knowledge, insight, skills and attitudes based on both the Islamic tradition and the Western intellectual, professional and social tradition.
To achieve this, the Oranje Institute wants to enter into the necessary collaborations with other educational institutions and universities.
The Oranje Institute wants to profile itself as an educational institution that adequately responds and responds with innovations to social issues.
- Science
- Authenticity
- Consultation
- Equality
- Ethics and reliability
- Transparency
- People-oriented
- Scientific freedom
- Diversity, openness and mutual respect
You can send the completed ⇒registration form to the following e-mail address: info@oranjeinstituut.nl

The Hybrid Education Model
We offer a unique teaching approach that combines the convenience of online learning with the personal touch of face-to-face instruction. Our classes are also recorded, so you can revisit them whenever necessary.